


What is this blog for?
Recording things that was really interested in, everything which learned for myself but not for others. One day the purpose likes exams or jobs will be no more, that shouldn’t be the end of my quest.



Is this a tech blog?
No, at my present condition I can’t claim that I’m professional on some subjects or technologies, also don’t want these titles. I would more like a testing ground, for new functions, thoughts, knowledge and some geek concepts which I touched recently. Except these perhaps would be personal views or scribbles with no clear purpose, could only just for the record on my actions. If you think this blog is weird please regard it as a way which like the liberal arts students learn computer, or engineering technician try to recongnize the God - that comes MY style.

Best to use PC for browsing or may cause font and typography errors.

All the articles on this blog are ORIGINAL, DO NOT REPOST.

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  • Copyrights © 2019-2024 Caelica
